Tink's #69 Doe-in-Rut Hot Bomb Heated Lure Dispenser TINK'S W5916
Tink's #69 Doe-in-Rut Hot Bomb Heated Lure Dispenser TINK'S W5916 can make you a good impression. Because Tink's #69 Doe-in-Rut Hot Bomb Heated Lure Dispenser TINK'S W5916 is a product that is made from one device. If you are looking for a good product with good quality, do not forget to look at it. I've bought used. I find that
Tink's #69 Doe-in-Rut Hot Bomb Heated Lure Dispenser TINK'S W5916 can meet my needs perfectly. I want you to have a good product. Tink's #69 Doe-in-Rut Hot Bomb Heated Lure Dispenser TINK'S W5916 is a device that anyone could want. And sellers.
- Comes pre-loaded with The Original Formula Tink?s #69 Doe-In-Rut Buck Lure
- Contains 2 individually wrapped Hot Bombs & uses air-activated natural heat
- Works in all conditions?but great for cold and freezing weather
- Heated lure puts more scent molecules into the air
- Designed to set on the ground or hang in a tree & lasts approximately 4 hours
The Tink’s #69 Doe-in-Rut Hot Bomb is a heated lure dispenser containing a pre-loaded scent pad which is warmed by an air-activated heat pouch. The scent pad is permeated with Tink’s #69 Doe-in-Rut Formula which simulates a doe in her estrous period. Tink’s Hot Bomb lasts up to 4 hours. This package contains 2 individually wrapped Hot Bombs, one for the morning hunt and one for the afternoon hunt.
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